Replays Coming Down In...









Would you like to make 2022 the year you ACTUALLY keep your New Year's Resolutions?  We'd love to show you how.

By the end of this Live 3-Part Training, you'll walk away with our complete blueprint to guide you on exactly what to do – the Fundamental 5 habits for lasting weight loss, how to make them stick, why you’re focusing on these specific things and in what specific order.
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Live Training Schedule in January 2022

Here's Just One Example Of The Success Our Clients Are Experiencing


"Amy and her team changed my life four years ago!!

For 55 years, I hated exercise. Then I found Amy, and between the small group training sessions and fitness classes, I love the feeling of moving my body and have been a regular for the past 4-1/2 years and counting.

With exercise and eating healthier, I feel stronger and have much more energy. Here I am in Paris where I was walking about 8 miles everyday while on vacation. I wouldn’t have that kind of energy if I wasn’t fit."

– Rose Vogt

Here's a preview of what you'll learn...

  • The 3 Steps Required To STOP EMOTIONAL EATING
  • The DIET RULES keeping you stuck on the weight loss roller coaster
  • The FUNDAMENTAL FIVE for lasting weight loss and more
  • The FIRST HABIT TO FOCUS ON to create momentum
Click Here To Register and Download The Workbook


Part 1: January 2, 1-2pm PST / 4-5pm EST
Part 2: January 4, 5-6pm PST / 8-9pm EST
Part 3: January 6, 5-6pm PST / 8-9pm EST 


"ā€‹Looking back, I was at a point where I was ALMOST going to give up. I had tried so many different things when I finally decided to give this program a try. I'm so glad I did. I've developed a sense of self-care which has impacted ALL parts of my life in amazing ways. My marriage… career… everything."

Kelley Mottola


Are you ready?

 Save Your Spot In The Free Masterclass By Clicking On The Purple Button Below.

Who knows?  You could be one of our success stories next year!

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