CYBER MONDAY SPECIAL: Register for Stop Emotional Eating - Just $197


CYBER MONDAY SPECIAL: Register for Stop Emotional Eating - Just $197

Holidays got you feeling stressed?

Walk Away Knowing EXACTLY What To Do To Identify The Underlying Triggers That Cause Emotional Eating, Remove Them, and Eliminate The Urges.

SOLD OUT - Join Us on December 1, 2022 at 3pm PST
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Holidays got you feeling stressed?

Walk Away Knowing EXACTLY What To Do To Identify The Underlying Triggers That Cause Emotional Eating, Remove Them, and Eliminate The Urges.

Join Us on December 1, 2022 at 3pm PST
Click Here To Save Your Spot

Cyber Monday Special Ends In...









You Won't STOP Emotional Eating UNTIL You Master Your Triggers!

Think of ANY wellness expert or business leader or professional athlete you admire. Chances are, you follow them because they have what you want, right? Maybe it's how healthy and fit they are, or the confidence they exude, or how drama doesn't seem to throw them off their game - at all!!!

But there's probably something else they have that you may not have noticed (until now!)

Have you ever noticed... they are really good at not being triggered in stressful situations.  In fact, they actually seek them out!

They're able to remain grounded and centered when confronted with challenges.  I mean, can you show me ANY wellness guru today who isn't known for being calm in the midst of chaos?

...that hasn't "mastered" their triggers so they can consistently rise to the occasion?

You Can't!

So, the real question is... is it just a coincidence that they ALL have that in common?!

NO! In fact, it's mastering their TRIGGERS and how they respond to situations time and time again that has allowed each of them to become the influencers, experts, and badasses they are today, and it can do the same for you!

Because if you're like most people struggling with emotional eating, whether it's because of...

  • Relationship conflicts
  • Work
  • Health problems
  • Financial pressures
  • Boredom
  • Loneliness

... the biggest HURDLE that keeps you going back to food is the seemingly inescapable truth:

“When you eat, you feel better.”

Which of these song titles are on your emotional eating soundtrack?

  • I Need A Drink
  • I Have A Weakness For Doughnuts
  • I Just Want It
  • I Deserve This Cake
  • Why Is Change So Hard
  • Oops! I Did It Again!
  • I Can't Believe I Ate The Whole Thing

Look... yes, you feel better when you eat, BUT the effect is always temporary.  Inevitably, the negative emotions that triggered the eating return along with an unhealthy dose of guilt.

And for a lot of emotional eaters, guilt about setting back their weight-loss efforts then triggers them to overeat, they beat themselves up for getting off track, they feel bad and they overeat again!

And each and every emotional eater who focuses their attention on resisting the urge to eat in their attempts to stop instead of examining the trigger — and keeps doing this — is making one of the BIGGEST mistakes that is guaranteed to keep them from finding the real solution.

And the worst part? They don’t even REALIZE they’re making a mistake that’s costing them in immeasurable ways: a healthy relationship with food, a positive body image, the benefits of nourishing self-care habits, healthy boundaries with loved ones, and inner peace (and maybe you didn’t realize it either… until now).

By the way, this is a predictable mistake the diet, weight loss and food industries all rely upon!

This is a mistake I want to help you avoid making going forward.

Hi, I'm Amy Lang, founder of Moxie Club.

I specialize in working with your brain and body to create joyful eating and deep health.

In 1997, I found myself in the aftermath of a relationship that shook me to my core, and I sought the help of psychologist, Dr. Pam Ableidinger.

With her help and guidance, I learned to embrace my moxie and developed skills that empower me to this day.

In 2004, I left the high tech world to become a health club owner. My mission... to help people lose weight, get fit, feel better and live well.  During that time, I also became a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, working with thousands of health club members to help them reach their fitness, weight loss and wellness goals. 

In 2019, I closed the club so I could focus my attention in the online coaching space to reach more people.

Since then, I've also added Master Health Coach and Sleep and Stress Management Specialist to deepen my skill set. Why?

Because I love helping my clients get the results they've always dreamed of, and I'd love to help you, too.

When You MASTER Your Triggers and Remain Calm

You Can Make Conscious Choices.

And Conscious Choices Empower You.

Imagine... Just a few weeks from now, at the next family gathering, your mother-in-law makes one of her usual insensitive comments.

But this time, instead of eating that third slice of pie, you're able to see why she felt compelled to make that remark, and you also understand it has nothing to do with you...

So the comment rolls off you  like water off a duck's back.

How would you feel?

Amazing, right?

Well, if you have empathy and compassion for others, and a sense of curiosity, then that means you already DO have what it takes within you to see life from a different perspective, the desire to alleviate suffering, the ability to process your emotions, and the attitude to make changes for the better.

All you need is a simple method to put all of these together so you can stay centered and grounded, and make your choices from this place.

And that's why I created this MasterClass.


A Proven 5-Step Method for Identifying The Underlying Triggers Driving Your Unwanted Behaviors, ACTUALLY Removing Them, and Eliminating The Urge To Eat!

...or Your Money Back!
  • Understand the biology that drives your emotional eating and how to work with it, instead of against it.
  • Discover how to remove the underlying triggers with my 5-step TLC method... to identify them, isolate them, and turn them into empowering thoughts.
  • Gain insight and clarity around your boundaries (think about it: if you don’t know exactly what your wants, needs and preferences are... how will you ever be able to communicate them to others?)
  • Learn how to actually create HEALTHY habits and how most people are setting themselves up to fail
  • Know how to master your triggers by the END of the masterclass... OR YOUR MONEY BACK!

Stop Emotional Eating: $297 Now Only $197Save $100

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The Guarantee That Makes This A No-Brainer


By the end of this MasterClass, you'll know how to identify your underlying triggers that cause emotional eating, how to use the 5-step TLC method to remove them and eliminate the urge


In other words, if you don’t know EXACTLY why you're triggered and the steps to take to stop it, by the end of this class, all you need to do is email my customer support team, and I will happily refund 100% of your funds — no questions asked.

I'm so grateful for the perspective and guidance Amy brings.  After our conversation, I found myself wanting to take action from a place of gratitude and curiosity, instead of coping with my hurt and shame by pouring myself a glass of wine.

It was just magical!

  - Audrey W

How Is This MasterClass Different?


Since I left high tech in 2003, I’ve helped thousands of clients achieve their health, fitness, and wellness goals.

And having premium prices has allowed me to attract highly committed clients!

My courses and coaching programs are $3,000 to $15,000.

So in regards to this Masterclass, I usually don't offer anything this inexpensive.

But the stress of the holidays and the struggle with emotional eating makes this time of year particularly challenging for a lot of folks. Some even find themselves dreading this time of year.

Just more evidence that mastering your triggers is ESSENTIAL to create the life you want. And when you finally do, it’s a game changer!

Now that you understand this... If you’re tempted to do this on your own by reading a book, listening to podcasts, or watching YouTube videos, here’s ONE thing you need to keep in mind.

Knowing the principles and theories is not enough.

If you were learning how to swim, you might watch a few videos. But would that be enough?

Of course not.  You would have to get in the water, and spend time in the water. In other words…

You must apply.

And a swim instructor or coach accelerates this whole process by showing you how to apply the principles in your particular case.

So because this MasterClass will be a *live* interactive training, I'll be offering a few laser coaching sessions with individuals who raise their hands and volunteer.  If you haven't had a coach before, you'll get to experience the power of the right questions and how important it is to uncover your blindspots.

And even if you're not one of these lucky individuals, you'll benefit from their experience and listening for the common themes.


Why Sign Up Now?


One final note.

The regular price of this MasterClass is $297.

But when you enroll NOW (before this page expires), it's only $197.  You can save $100.

I'm offering this discount because I want you to be able to enjoy the holidays more this year than ever before, and because it's Cyber Monday - of course!

So if you would like my help and guidance in mastering your triggers to overcome emotional eating, your investment price is just $197. ...and remember!

If you don't believe you have new insights and know-how to stop emotional eating by the end of the training, I'll give you your money back!

So, what do you really have to lose? Besides a few pounds of emotional baggage you’ve been lugging around for years?

Get registered by clicking the link below, and I'll see ya soon!

I've struggled with cravings a lot. Yesterday, someone brought in chocolate cookies, which are my favorite. And I ate half a cookie and threw the other half away. Not because it didn't taste good but I'd had enough. That's never happened before. I feel empowered.

  - Kayla G

Are you ready to overcome emotional eating?

Save Your Spot By Clicking On The Teal Button Below.

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"ā€‹Looking back, I was at a point where I was ALMOST going to give up. I had tried so many different things when I finally decided to work with Amy and give her programs a try. I'm so glad I did. I've developed a sense of self-care which has impacted ALL parts of my life in amazing ways. My marriage… career… everything."

 - Kelley M

FREE Stop Emotional Eating - Live Masterclass