Discover How To  Stop Overeating



And Finally Lose Weight For The Last Time


 ...Because you deserve to eat without guilt and actually get off the weight loss roller coaster!


This training is for you if...


  • You struggle with late-night snacking and food cravings, especially high-sugar and high-fat foods.
  • You can't quiet the food noise and never feel satisfied at the end of a meal.
  • Your go-to way of coping with stress, boredom, anger and frustration is food - that is, emotional eating.
  • Your "cheat day" turned into a "cheat month" and now you want to get back on track.

Hi there! I'm Amy.

I'm a master certified health coach, personal trainer, and author of Thoughts Are Habits Too.

I help those stuck on the weight loss roller coaster stress less, sleep better, stop emotional eating, and create the key hormone-based habits that make lasting weight loss easy and inevitable.

Looking back, my weight loss and body image struggles started when I was about 14 years old.

When this picture was taken, I actually thought my waistline was too big.

Like you, I've felt the frustration of watching the number on the scale ratchet upward, the hope when it moved downward, and the defeat when it drifted upward - again and again.

It took me years to figure out how to lose weight in a way that took care of my physical health, without harming my mental and emotional health.

As soon as I did, I was able to stop dieting and create the kind of habits that make weight loss easy and inevitable.

That's why I wrote the book, "Thoughts Are Habits Too" ― to share what I've learned so you, too, can get off the weight loss struggle bus and create the life you want.

... and now with this free masterclass, I'm here to help you get the results you want even faster.


Hi there! I'm Amy.

I'm a master certified health coach, personal trainer, author of Thoughts Are Habits Too, and founder of Moxie Club.

I've helped thousands of women master their triggers so they can stop stress eating and emotional eating, heal their relationship with food, and create healthy habits that stick.

Looking back, my weight loss and body image struggles started when I was about 14 years old.

When this picture was taken, I actually thought my waistline was too big.

Like you, I've felt the frustration of watching the number on the scale ratchet upward, the hope when it moved downward, and the defeat when it drifted upward - again and again.

It took me years to figure out how to lose weight in a way that took care of my physical health, without harming my mental and emotional health.

As soon as I did, I was able to stop dieting and create the healthy habits that make weight loss easy and inevitable.

That's why I wrote this book ― to share what I learned so you, too, can get off the weight loss struggle bus.

... and now with this free live workshop, I'm here to help you get the results you want even faster.