JAN 24TH at 4PM

Discover How to Stop Stress Eating



and Actually Find Calm

In The Chaos


 ... Because you deserve to step into the New Year free from worries about overeating, overwhelm, and failing your weight loss efforts in 2024.  










This training is for you if...


  • You struggle with cravings, especially high-sugar and high-fat foods (and alcohol).
  • You have a hard time falling asleep, and when you do, you can't stay asleep for more than a few hours.
  • You're spread too thin and feel like you don't have the support you need.
  • You gave yourself permission to eat whatever you wanted during the holidays because you plan to "get back on track" once New Years starts.

I've struggled with cravings a lot. Yesterday, someone brought in chocolate cookies, which are my favorite. And I ate half a cookie and threw the other half away. Not because it didn't taste good but I'd had enough. That's never happened before. I feel empowered.

  - Kayla G, ER Nurse

Hi there! I'm Amy.

I'm a master certified health coach, personal trainer, author of Thoughts Are Habits Too, and founder of Moxie Club.

I've helped thousands of women master their triggers so they can stop stress eating and emotional eating, heal their relationship with food, and create healthy habits that stick.

Looking back, my weight loss and body image struggles started when I was about 14 years old.

When this picture was taken, I actually thought my waistline was too big.

Like you, I've felt the frustration of watching the number on the scale ratchet upward, the hope when it moved downward, and the defeat when it drifted upward - again and again.

It took me years to figure out how to lose weight in a way that took care of my physical health, without harming my mental and emotional health.

As soon as I did, I was able to stop dieting and create the healthy habits that make weight loss easy and inevitable.

That's why I wrote this book ― to share what I learned so you, too, can get off the weight loss struggle bus.

... and now with this free live workshop, I'm here to help you get the results you want even faster.


Hi there! I'm Amy.

I'm a master certified health coach, personal trainer, author of Thoughts Are Habits Too, and founder of Moxie Club.

I've helped thousands of women master their triggers so they can stop stress eating and emotional eating, heal their relationship with food, and create healthy habits that stick.

Looking back, my weight loss and body image struggles started when I was about 14 years old.

When this picture was taken, I actually thought my waistline was too big.

Like you, I've felt the frustration of watching the number on the scale ratchet upward, the hope when it moved downward, and the defeat when it drifted upward - again and again.

It took me years to figure out how to lose weight in a way that took care of my physical health, without harming my mental and emotional health.

As soon as I did, I was able to stop dieting and create the healthy habits that make weight loss easy and inevitable.

That's why I wrote this book ― to share what I learned so you, too, can get off the weight loss struggle bus.

... and now with this free live workshop, I'm here to help you get the results you want even faster.


I'm so grateful for the perspective and guidance Amy brings.  After our conversation, I found myself wanting to take action from a place of gratitude and curiosity, instead of coping with my hurt and shame by pouring myself a glass of wine.

It was just magical!

  - Audrey W