DAY 8  |  MOVE

Finding Balance


Today is about being thankful for our ability to walk, which takes us to all the places we want to go.

In order to walk, we are actually balancing on one leg at a time with each step we take.

To improve your balance, try this Tandem Stance exercise.  It helps focus your mind while working on your balance... a two-for-one!

  1. Stand up straight about one and a half feet from the corner of a room, a counter or sturdy chair to provide support in case you lose your balance.
  2. Engage your core (or stomach muscles) while keeping your head up, and eyes looking forward
  3. Place your right foot directly in front of your left foot so that the heel of your right foot is just touching the toes of your left foot.
  4. Keep an equal amount of weight on each foot with your knees slightly bent.
  5. Stand with your hands at your sides.
  6. Stay as still as possible without moving your feet to maintain balance.
  7. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  8. Repeat with your left foot in front.

Perform this exercise 3 times alternating the forward and rear feet.

Easier Version: Stand with your feet slightly staggered or just next to each other to widen your base.

Harder Version:  To increase the difficulty, cross you arms while holding this position.  Still too easy?  Try closing your eyes.  Again, be sure to have a wall behind you or chair next to you in case you lose your balance.  Still too easy?  Try standing on one foot.



For the next 3 days, I’ll be sending you a daily email to help you create new healthy habits to move more, calm and focus your mind, stay hydrated, nourish your body and connect with others.

Once you find one you like, use the version I described or create a version of your own and keep doing it every day for the next 14 days.

If today's challenge doesn’t resonate with you, no worries — try the one tomorrow!

By the end of this 10-day project, my sincere hope is that you'll have discovered some new ways for building healthy habits.

Try the habit catalyst.  Once you find one you like, use the version I described or create a version of your own and keep doing it every day for the next 14 days.

Why one habit and 14 days?  I explain in my latest podcast.

If today's challenge doesn’t resonate with you, no worries — try the one tomorrow!

By the end of this 10-day project, my sincere hope is that you'll have discovered some new ways for building healthy habits.

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