Hello and Welcome!

Jan 04, 2020

Happy New Year!!! 🎆

Yes, it's Amy here.  I'm back!  How are you? 😉

When I closed the Pacific Heights Health Club back in November, I did so because I wanted to be able to focus all my energy on weight loss coaching.

Well, I am excited and absolutely thrilled to announce that with this email, I'm officially launching MOXIE CLUB where it's all about lasting weight loss made easy.

To get you feeling inspired and motivated, here is one of my favorite quotes.



So is your 2020 vision and plan in place?  Are you ready to take some serious action in the coming weeks and months?

If your new year's resolutions include losing some weight and getting fit, I would love for you to take my FREE Training Course to get the ball rolling.

Dedicated to helping you live the life you want. ❤️

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