Happy and Healthy with Amy Lang

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Helping you create the mindset you need for lasting weights loss,
with a dash of inspiration and stories that will bring it all to life.
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#208: The Vegan and Omnivore Debate

We're delving into a hot topic: Vegan vs Omnivore Diets.

If you've ever wondered about the health outcomes, environmental impact, and the nitty-gritty scientific backing of each diet, this is an episode you don't want to miss.

In this deep dive, I review and reflect on the new Netflix...

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#185: The Pitfalls of Intuitive Eating

Have you heard of Intuitive Eating? It's gotten a lot of press in the last year, and has been gaining popularity.

I passed all the requirements to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor earlier this summer, but ultimately decided it's not for me.

There are some really good things about...

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#180: Recognizing Diet Culture

When you see an ad on TV or you hear someone make a comment, are you able to recognize when it's diet culture and when it's not?

For example, is the famous Dove ad campaign about body positivity or diet culture in disguise?

Or how about if you want to lose weight? Is it because you've fallen...

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#166: What You Need To Know About Carbs

Are you trying to eat healthier, but not really sure what it's supposed to look like?

If you're trying to lose weight in a healthy way, and you hear folks talk about keto...

But then you also hear folks say, "No, you need carbohydrates," and then some folks are telling you, "Stop labeling carbs...

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#160: Ozempic - The Latest Weight Loss Drug

Have you heard of Ozempic or Wegovy? They are the brand names for semaglutide, a drug that is being touted by celebrities for some very dramatic weight loss results.

Now, if you are thinking about using this drug to help you on your weight loss journey, this is a podcast episode you don't want...

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#159: The Power of Identity-Based Habits

Do you know the difference between an outcome-based habit and an identity-based habit?

One is focused on what you want to achieve, while the other is about who you are becoming.

And if you want to become a joyful eater, if you want to be able to look at your New Year's resolutions next year and...

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#152: Letting Go of Diet Mentality

diet weight loss wellness Dec 19, 2022

When I say that the key to lasting weight loss - to inevitable weight loss - is first to let go of the diet mentality... 

If you are not clear on what the diet mentality actually is and what diet culture is all about, then it's going to be really hard to identify what pieces you wanna let...

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#132: Are You NOT Eating Enough

Are you making one of the most common mistakes when it comes to weight loss? Are you not eating enough?

The reason this is important is because when you don't eat enough, you're actually slowing down your body's metabolism. The exact opposite of what we want, if the goal is to achieve lasting...

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#131: Is Eating Slowly Really That Important

Have you been told that in order to lose weight, you have to eat slowly and yet you find the whole idea unappealing? Or maybe eating slowly just isn't an option.

If that's the case, rest assured, while eating slowly has its benefits, it isn't a requirement for lasting weight loss.

In this...

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#130: What's YOUR Optimal Weight - The Problem with BMI

Why do you want to lose weight?  Chances are one of your reasons is so you can be healthier.

But research suggests weight-centric efforts to lose weight - that is, programs where the focus is intentional weight loss - don't actually make us healthier.  The evidence actually shows that...

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