[REPLAY] How To Optimize Your Sleep

Sep 07, 2024

One of the biggest fears I hear from my clients about aging is cognitive decline, especially Alzheimer's.

They say things like…

“I hope I don't get it.”

“I don't want to lose my independence."

“I can't imagine not recognizing my loved ones.”

And look…I get it.

You want to stay sharp. You want to be around to play with your grandkids, travel, and enjoy your golden years, and you don’t want to be a burden.

You've also been told Alzheimer's is a disease of old age and genetics, so isn't it just a matter of luck? In other words, we just need to wait for the pharmaceutical companies to develop the breakthrough drug, right?

Actually, no....it isn't. And no, you don't.

While age, sex, and genetics are major risk factors, lifestyle is the biggest determinant of the outcome.

You have agency!

Creating the lifestyle habits to optimize brain health is the best way to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s symptoms or potentially prevent the disease from even developing.

And sleep is the foundation.

I want you to be able to fall asleep and stay asleep so you can wake up refreshed and energized.

And I shared and discussed the 5-step process for optimizing your sleep in the masterclass.

--->>>Click to watch the expiring replay​​

Here’s the thing, getting enough restorative sleep is the ONE THING you must do if you want to optimize your brain health.

It's the only "me time" your brain has...so it can repair and restore itself.

In other words… sleeping is the way to protect your brain from the dangerous Alzheimer's amyloid plaques.

And you don't have to be a "former" good sleeper AT ALL to get results!

I've worked with thousands of clientsto help them reach their health and wellness goals - both as the owner of Pacific Heights Health Club in San Francisco and now as the founder of Moxie Club, 

Take Kayla Gaffo, for example. She said...

"I had no faith about sleep, that it was going to get better. My husband begged me - he had begged me and begged me to go see a sleep doctor multiple times in our 15 years of marriage. So when we started on my sleep journey , I was at a 0 or 1. I remember thinking, 'It's too hard. I can't do it. And now I would rate it a 9 out of 10.'" 

So are you ready to be like Kayla, and actually rate your sleep a 9 out of 10?

Become a founding member of NeuroHabits Academy® today!!!​

I’m sharing my proven Joyful Choices Framework that provides an easy-to-follow personalized roadmap, helps you turn healthy choices into lifelong habits… and makes creating lifestyle habits easy and inevitable (without feeling like you had to “deprive yourself” or “sacrifice” your favorite foods, friends, or past times).

The way I see it, you have a choice, {{first_name}}.

You can continue to struggle with sleep and buy into the thinking that you can't make habits stick, so you remain stuck and risk doing nothing to prevent cognitive decline.

Or you can realize that you have a MASSIVE opportunity to transform your life by creating the lifestyle habits to optimize brain health so you can stay sharp, reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's, and know you've done the best you can to help yourself.

The choice is yours.

WARNING: I only have 10 Founding Member spots available, and you won't see this amazing price again!

When you build the key lifestyle habits to optimize your brain health - like getting 7-9 hours of restorative sleep - you'll not only see improvements in your memory and learning, you'll also reap benefits like improved your insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure and boosted immunity (just to name a few).

So if you want to take your power back and create the lifestyle habits to optimize brain health,

See you inside.

 - amy

P.S. Here is the link to join NeuroHabits Academy® as a founding member.​

P.S. If you want to watch the full training from the 'How To Optimize Your Sleep' Masterclass here is the link to the replay. But be quick as it's coming down soon. Click to watch the free training replay.​

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