Happy and Healthy with Amy Lang

* * * 
Helping you create the mindset you need for lasting weights loss,
with a dash of inspiration and stories that will bring it all to life.
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#210: The Healing Power of Hypnosis and Loving Yourself with Paz Guerrero

Has this ever happened? You've been triggered and the next thing you know, you’re in the middle of a heated argument you had no intention of starting...

Or halfway through a pint of Haagen Dazs ice cream...

Or perhaps hitting the bottom of a bag of chips…

Despite practicing yoga and...

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#204: Unlocking Your Authentic Voice with Tracy Goodwin

Do you struggle to be heard? Are you afraid of public speaking?

 Do you have any idea what your authentic voice sounds like? Wish you had a voice coach to help you with all of this.

Well, in this episode, I've got my voice coach, Tracy Goodwin, joining me. James Wedmore calls her his secret...

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#202: The Self-Worth and Intuition Connection with Nicole Tsong

boundaries self-worth Nov 27, 2023

If you're listening to this episode and you've ever had the thought, "when I lose the weight, then I'll be happy, or then I'll be able to feel good about my body or... then I'll be able to feel good about myself?"

You are making a critical mistake that stems from diet culture, and that is -...

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#200: Managing the Food Police

How do you typically respond to the food police during holiday gatherings - the folks who have a lot of opinions and are more than happy to share them when it comes to your food choices?

Do you find yourself rebelling against their comments, or do you struggle with knowing how to respond?


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#199: Handling Food Pushers with Grace

Do you have food pushers in your life? Those individuals who just can't seem to take "no" for an answer when it comes to food.

With the holidays coming up, you might be dealing with even more food pushers than normal. Those boundary bullies who you're worried are going to be sabotaging your...

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#194 - Parenting Essentials for Tweens and Teens with Pam Godbois

“Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child." Have you heard this expression before?

As a parent, do you find yourself wondering what it actually means to raise healthy and successful adults?

In this episode, special guest Pam Godbois, LCSW, joins me for a wide-ranging...

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