Happy and Healthy with Amy Lang

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Helping you create the mindset you need for lasting weights loss,
with a dash of inspiration and stories that will bring it all to life.
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#201: Navigating Midlife and Menopause with Cam Allen

Have you found that midlife, with all its many transitions, has actually been creating a whole lot of stress for you, from becoming an empty nester to watching your parents age or perhaps dealing with the death of a parent?

And then, on top of all this, we've got menopause and its effect on...

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#167: What You Need To Know About Protein

Do you want to lose weight? Is that one of your goals for this year?

I'm not talking about losing the weight - only to gain it back, and then some.

I'm talking about lasting weight loss.

Then you need to know that one of the keys to fat loss is actually strength training, and in order to support...

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