Happy and Healthy with Amy Lang

* * * 
Helping you create the mindset you need for lasting weights loss,
with a dash of inspiration and stories that will bring it all to life.
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#185: The Pitfalls of Intuitive Eating

Have you heard of Intuitive Eating? It's gotten a lot of press in the last year, and has been gaining popularity.

I passed all the requirements to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor earlier this summer, but ultimately decided it's not for me.

There are some really good things about...

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#184 - How To Keep The Weight Off

Have you lost a bunch of weight recently?

Maybe you've been taking one of the weight loss drugs like Wegovy, Ozempic or Mounjaro, and you don't plan on staying on it?

Maybe it's too expensive

Or it's got some unpleasant side effects and you just don't feel good when you're on it.

Or you just...

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#183: Enlightened Aging

When you look at your life, do you think your best years are behind you or in front of you?

If you believe what you see and hear in the media, you probably think outer beauty and youth are more important than anything else, especially for women.

It's why anti-aging anything is so popular.


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#182: The Problem with All-or-Nothing Thinking

When it comes to weight loss and getting healthy and fit, are there so many things you could be doing, or you think you should be doing, that you wind up feeling overwhelmed?

Do you try to overhaul your life? Perhaps choosing two or three habits to work on at once?

Or maybe because you think...

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#180: Recognizing Diet Culture

When you see an ad on TV or you hear someone make a comment, are you able to recognize when it's diet culture and when it's not?

For example, is the famous Dove ad campaign about body positivity or diet culture in disguise?

Or how about if you want to lose weight? Is it because you've fallen...

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#177: Recognizing When It's Not About You

Do you know what it feels like to be the target of projection, where someone who doesn't know how to deal with their own stuff, projects it onto you and makes you feel less than?

If that's the language that's going through your head, this is an episode you don't want to miss.

In this episode,...

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#172: Top 3 Decluttering Mistakes To Avoid with Stephanie Cordova

habits mindset weight loss May 01, 2023

Are you trying to declutter and finding yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed by the task at hand?

Then you're going to want to listen to this episode because I've got Stephanie Cordova, professional organizer, back sharing some of best tips on decluttering.

We'll be talking about:

  • The 3 most...
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#171: How To Get What You Want with James Wedmore

What do you want?

I'm talking about what you really, really want... not what's realistic or what someone else wants for you or what society says we should want.

What do you really want?

And do you know how to get it?

Well, the first thing you need to know is there's no such thing as failure. And...

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#170: The Magical Powers of Decluttering with Stephanie Cordova

When it comes to spring cleaning, is decluttering one of the tasks on your to-do list?

If it is, but you've been kind of stuck there, maybe it's because you don't really know where to start and what the process needs to look like.  Or perhaps you're missing a key step.

In this episode,...

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#162: Designing Healthy Spaces with Sally Soricelli

Have you considered how much your physical surroundings affect how you feel and the decisions you make?

When it comes to healthy habits, I'm not just talking about a pantry makeover or taking a look at what's in your refrigerator and putting healthier foods inside.

I'm talking about actually...

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