Do you remember the scene from Star Wars where Luke Skywalker says, "These aren't the droids you're looking for?"
Do you remember that Jedi mind trick?
And do you wish you had that kind of influence where you could get someone to either do or stop doing something?
Or better yet, use that trick...
Do you think of yourself as an emotional eater? Here are 3 key takeaways from my masterclass, Stop Emotional Eating.
First, stop thinking of yourself as an emotional eater and recognize that emotional eating is merely a habit, a behavior that is triggered by a cue and results in a...
Just in time for the holiday season, this episode is jam packed with tips to help you deal with travel – whether by air or by land – the stress, and your day of game plan.
Let's set you up this holiday season for a heart filled with joy and gratitude so that this can truly be a Happy...
What's ONE thing you would have In your life right now if you were more influential and persuasive?
What if I told you there are specific behaviors that you can incorporate into your own repertoire that will make you more influential and more persuasive? Where you can affect the "know,"...
When it comes to reading body language, are you able to tell when someone is really comfortable versus when they're uncomfortable?
For example, do you know the difference between an adaptor and an illustrator or what a barrier is?
If you're a little fuzzy on this terminology, this is an episode...
How good are you at reading people? If you could get better at reading people, would you become a more effective communicator? Would it help you get more of what you want in life?
If your answer is yes to the latter two questions, this is an episode you don't want to miss because in part 2 of...
Do you find yourself worrying or ruminating about stuff that you really can't control? Is it interfering with your ability to get a good night's sleep, taking away your sense of inner peace? Maybe you're turning to alcohol or smoking or or comfort food?
Want to figure out how to stop?
When was the last time you were triggered?
I'm not just talking about the triggers that lead to emotional eating, sleepless nights, and that extra glass of wine or two at the end of a long, stressful day.
I'm also talking about the triggers for self-care habits, the ones that create deep health...
What does a good life mean to you?
Does it mean doing meaningful work? Does it mean waking up with a sense of purpose driving you, moving you forward? Does it mean having people in your life that you care about, that you want good things for?
If you're nodding your head, that means you have...
What do you have in your coping toolkit? When you're dealing with stressful situations, do you use different tools for different situations or do you have a go-to coping mechanism?
In other words, are you using eating or drinking like a carpenter who uses a hammer for nails, along...