Whether you're 30 years old or 80 years old or somewhere in between, you wake up every morning with things that you need to do, and more importantly, things that you want to do.
Hopefully, that means that you're still able to do things like climb a flight of stairs with ease, well into your 80s...
When it comes to stretching, how often do you do it? Is it once a day, once a week, don't believe in stretching?
Well, if you suffer from low back pain, if you have trouble sleeping, if you want to improve your golf game or your tennis game, or even running, if you want to avoid plantar...
In this episode, Marian Barnick, Registered Kinesiologist, joins me for an in-depth conversation about the importance of body alignment and what happens to our bodies over time when movement patterns have been affected by past injuries.
She has also graciously provided a couple of free resources...
Cheryl Chavez leads the conversation on working from home, the mistakes to avoid, and what still applies even if you're back in the office.
We talk about boundaries, snacking and screen time, as well as the one important question you want to ask yourself when looking at your schedule that sets...
Today Jay Croft and I are talking about the importance of communication, the power of story to move people into action, the most important ingredient and key characters.
An experienced reporter and editor, Jay is a consultant and free-lancer in marketing communications for household names like...
If you're in front of a computer screen for long periods of time or watching your kids texting and scrolling through social media for hours on end, you've probably noticed your posture has changed - maybe your shoulders are a bit rounded and your head sits a bit forward.
Wondering what the...
As the pandemic eases, the consequences of the stress and sheltering for the last 15 months are significant. One of the most noteworthy is the loss of strength and cognitive decline for many older adults.
In today's episode, I talk about the importance of strength training to empower...
As things are opening up and we approach herd immunity, are you going back into the office? Want to keep a new habit going? Or hit the reset button?
In this episode, Amy reviews the 5 common mistakes to avoid and 3 tips to keep in mind as you make your plans for reentry.
Author of "Build Your Legacy," Chris Flores returns to talk about his new book, why he wrote it, and how the 18 principles described in this book can help you create your own lasting legacy and the life you want.
Find out what bonus principle isn't in the book and what he thinks about the...
In this episode, Amy reviews the seven key questions you need to ask to create clarity for action so you'll know that you're taking the right next steps - the ones that will move you closer to your goals.
If you want to stop struggling with stress & emotional eating... if you want to boost...