Do you know what it feels like to be the target of projection, where someone who doesn't know how to deal with their own stuff, projects it onto you and makes you feel less than?
If that's the language that's going through your head, this is an episode you don't want to miss.
In this episode,...
Are you trying to eat healthier, but not really sure what it's supposed to look like?
If you're trying to lose weight in a healthy way, and you hear folks talk about keto...
But then you also hear folks say, "No, you need carbohydrates," and then some folks are telling you, "Stop labeling carbs...
Do you remember the scene from Star Wars where Luke Skywalker says, "These aren't the droids you're looking for?"
Do you remember that Jedi mind trick?
And do you wish you had that kind of influence where you could get someone to either do or stop doing something?
Or better yet, use that trick...
Do you know the difference between an outcome-based habit and an identity-based habit?
One is focused on what you want to achieve, while the other is about who you are becoming.
And if you want to become a joyful eater, if you want to be able to look at your New Year's resolutions next year and...
When it comes to lasting weight loss, do you already know what to do and what not to do... and your struggle is really just about how to make it happen? In other words, how to be consistent?
If you're nodding your head, this is an episode you do not want to miss, because in this episode,...
As we look forward Into the new year, I'm sharing a two-part series on becoming a joyful eater. In part one, I'm going to talk about the traits of the 5 different eating styles or personas: fearful, unconscious, conscious, intuitive, and joyful.
As you listen, you'll find you may identify with...
As you think about the upcoming holidays, if you have people in your life who say and do things that you find upsetting or aggravating or frustrating, instead of going down the rabbit hole of negativity, try reframing.
Because reframing helps you approach challenges with more optimism, more...
Do you think of yourself as an emotional eater? Here are 3 key takeaways from my masterclass, Stop Emotional Eating.
First, stop thinking of yourself as an emotional eater and recognize that emotional eating is merely a habit, a behavior that is triggered by a cue and results in a...
One of my favorite quotes about the food police is, "Unless you killed the chef, there is no morality or guilt in what you eat," by Evelyn Tribole.
The food police are those voices, either the real ones from people in your life or the ones in your head, that are basically telling you what foods...
Just in time for the holiday season, this episode is jam packed with tips to help you deal with travel – whether by air or by land – the stress, and your day of game plan.
Let's set you up this holiday season for a heart filled with joy and gratitude so that this can truly be a Happy...