Happy and Healthy with Amy Lang

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Helping you create the mindset you need for lasting weights loss,
with a dash of inspiration and stories that will bring it all to life.
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#132: Are You NOT Eating Enough

Are you making one of the most common mistakes when it comes to weight loss? Are you not eating enough?

The reason this is important is because when you don't eat enough, you're actually slowing down your body's metabolism. The exact opposite of what we want, if the goal is to achieve lasting...

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#131: Is Eating Slowly Really That Important

Have you been told that in order to lose weight, you have to eat slowly and yet you find the whole idea unappealing? Or maybe eating slowly just isn't an option.

If that's the case, rest assured, while eating slowly has its benefits, it isn't a requirement for lasting weight loss.

In this...

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#130: What's YOUR Optimal Weight - The Problem with BMI

Why do you want to lose weight?  Chances are one of your reasons is so you can be healthier.

But research suggests weight-centric efforts to lose weight - that is, programs where the focus is intentional weight loss - don't actually make us healthier.  The evidence actually shows that...

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#129: Why Self-Compassion Works

Do you think it's possible to have too much compassion? Or too much self-compassion?

If you answered, "Yes," I really want you to reconsider.

In this episode, I'm going to be sharing an operational definition of what self-compassion is, what it is not and why it works, especially when it comes...

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#128: Interoception: The 8th Sense

Have you been trying to figure out why it is that none of the diets and weight loss programs you've been on have you actually worked - where you've lost the weight AND kept it off?

Well, one of the keys to lasting weight loss is tapping into your 8th sense.  It's your interoception.


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#127: Unlearning What We've Been Taught

When was the last time someone said something to you, or maybe it was a thought that you had like, "You need to lose weight," that you accepted as true - hook, line, and sinker? And then you reacted to it without even thinking, as opposed to being able to respond to it?

Given all the recent...

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#126: Expanding Your Coping Toolkit

What do you have in your coping toolkit?  When you're dealing with stressful situations, do you use different tools for different situations or do you have a go-to coping mechanism?

In other words, are you using eating or drinking like a carpenter who uses a hammer for nails, along...

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#125: Nutrition Essentials with Brooke & Alyssa Miller, RDs

What is your reaction to the following statement?

"Only fat and protein are essential macronutrients – carbohydrates aren’t. However, carbs should be incorporated in your eating plan."

When I read this Facebook post, I nearly had a conniption.  And in response to this...

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#124: The Path To Self-Love

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and were happy with your body?  If it's been a while or maybe you've never been happy with your body, and you've been told you have to be smaller or you have to be fitter...

So you've been on this quest to shrink your body.

You have permission...

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#123: What Functional Aging Looks Like with Dr. Dan Ritchie

aging fitness mindset May 30, 2022

Whether you're 30 years old or 80 years old or somewhere in between, you wake up every morning with things that you need to do, and more importantly, things that you want to do.

Hopefully, that means that you're still able to do things like climb a flight of stairs with ease, well into your 80s...

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